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Old 11-24-2008, 06:42 PM
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Re: custom rom " presents" on boot screen

Originally Posted by deadz View Post
Hi I installed a custom ROM and now when I do a soft reset or load other roms I still see the presents on the bootloader screen right when the phone starts up. Where the radio and version info is. I even tried flashing back the original STock Rom and it is still showing up. Any ideas on how to get rid of this?

You must have flashed a "kitchen" ROM at one time. It happened to me to. Do a search and you'll find a flash that will change only the picture.... unfortunately it requires a Hard reset of you device so you have reload all your contacts/calendar info...

..probably another reason to stay clear of the kitchen until they get some of the bugs worked out.

Edit: Here is the thread you need to look at
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