In case anyone wants to chime in about it having GPS, a-gps, a gps, full gps, listed as being gps ready... - It does not work as a standalong GPS, you need to buy the telenav program monthly subscription. There are many nearly identical threads on various forums and they just seem to go on and on about the 6800's GPS - not one of the posts says yes, they got it to work - just people arguing about listed specs - not anyone who actually has the phone and got it to work though.
If you want to use the GPS on the 6800 currently iguidance, google maps live search, tom tom, etc will not work without buying a GPS unit like a BT Sirf III unit. You can also pay a $10 fee monthly to Sprint for their telenav service.
I'm just posting this long response so we don't get 20 posts of arguments of but I thought it said....