Originally Posted by gator352
wiggle it....just a lil bit....wiggle it.....la la la la, sing along!!!! Ok people come on now. Yeah, there is going to be play in it a little. My sanyo 8400scp's (flip phone) top portion wiggles a little. I know you guys want reaasurance that it's normal and everythings ok with the TP. But use some common sence. I'm not trying to be harsh, or bashing anyone, nor am I calling anyone stupid. But common sence tells ya that it's a moving part so it will always move (wiggle) a little. Dad? DAAAAAAD? yes son? I got some dirt on my silver backing on my TP. Should I lick it with my tongue like spot does to his bunghole to clean it, or should I ...er....son, I'll take care of it. Go get the sandblaster and spray paint ready and I'll get the intructions on how to use the green mushy thing! Quick son! Before it sets in!!
I understand that there will be play due to the moving parts. It just seems like too much. Also, I don't recall my mogul wiggling like this.
- J