Originally Posted by m15t1k0
Hey Tekkdrone, when can we expect an alpha release ready for testing? I don't see any link from you... anyways keep it up dude... it's looking fine!  I'm eager to see this!
Originally Posted by jamieh
Well, see, it's on his website, but he has posted the initial old links, without the progress from the native 2.6.25 kernal onward. I don't think we should push him give us links for the new progress, or to post his work, because he is putting in his time and skill, and I wouldn't want him to feel underappreciated for all his effort. I'm just waiting to see what happens. It's his ability and skill. Let it come when
he wants it to, yeah?
:Gratuitous, yet sincere Fanaticism:
Oh my CRAP this is cool!!. I'm excited to see everything, and if it works out, use everything, but just this feat that he's accomplished is AMAZING. There
IS life after WM6.1!!! And it's even better than what we have now!! Well, that's my faith, at least!! And it appears that we might have the opportunity to use this option (ANDROID) in the future, sometime. SSSWWWEEEEEETTT!!!!
Originally Posted by JASTECH
P.S. For those of yo that know me I have not been around in a while as I was electrocuted and I am still trying to cope with the changes that have been forced upon me via the injury. It has changed my life big time so please bare with me when I make mistakes but I will have all my stuff dbl checked by friends before I upload it under different name.
Woah!!!!! Dude!! I met someone who got BUSTED-up electrocuted, and saw some of the aftermath, and how he pull his life back together, and the changes he made. His progress was SOOO AMAZING!! To see where he came from, and what he was able to do afterward. WOW! I feel for you, man! I
believe in you, even MORE!! Keep the faith, man!!