Originally Posted by rvashi
What the heck is "retentions"???
Other answered your question and yes I did call retentions because, for me, there was a very real possibility that we (me, wife, family) might have left Sprint for AT&T due to the Treo 750 and 8525 being available on their network. A local AT&T store was offering a pretty competitive package and we were out of contract with Sprint. However, the 6800 becoming available changed my view so I gave Sprint a call. I went through what I was offered and Sprint matched and in some cases bettered the deal and gave me some breaks on phone prices as well. It took an hour but it was a good conversation to have.
As indicated above it would seem that many hit retentions heavily for deals and may be abusing it. Myself? I feel justified in going this route as I had good reason to speak with them. And I didnt have to create any elaborate story
Back on topic...I have my 6800!!!!! Activated and charging now. Fantastic little device.