Re: Verizon HTC TOUCH PRO Information
Accelerometer has been confirmed time and time over by people whom have actually used the device.
And yes... Teeter... why would they put Teeter on a device that doesn't have an accelerometer?
Honestly, I had been thinking of getting a Sprint Touch Pro and throwing it on The Network, but I'm just gonna go with the VZW model. I'm nowhere near the point where I can get a discout for upgrading, so it'd cost about the same. My major factors in making this decision are A) 192 MB of RAM really seems like enough, B) the keyboard seems dumb, but I'm sure my hands would get used to it within a week, just like they'd adjust to any keyboard layout, C) the GPS is locked down out of the box, but I'm sure I'll have fully functional GPS on my VZW Pro within 2 weeks anyway, but most importantly, D) I need my damn warranty.
There's no way I can buy a $500 device, without the ability to swap it out when I feel like it.
I swap phones when I see a scratch, so I need that warranty.
EDIT- That spec sheet is all wrong. It references a 400 MHz processor, which we know is completely off. Those were the original speculative specs on the VZW Touch Pro, not what we know to be true now.
As of now, the only KNOWN differences are less RAM, and a weird arrow in between "N" and "M".
We don't even know the difference between the way in which the two processors will perform, or if there will be differences at all.
Last edited by TizOnly1; 11-22-2008 at 10:52 PM.