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Old 11-22-2008, 11:45 AM
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Lightbulb BackGround4AllPages Problem

Ok, I tried searching around the forum trying to find an answer for this but I can't figure it out.

I downloaded the mUn BackGround4AllPages file, and installed it as per the instructions I read. It seemed not to work correctly, as there are only white boxes on the upper left of tf3d. (and yes, I disabled tf3d, soft reset, installed, soft reset, and enabled tf3d).. When I tried uninstalling, I disabled tf3d, soft reset, and tried to only see ".. was not completely removed. do you want to remove it from the list of installed programs?"..

If I select either yes or no, it stays there. It refuses to go away.

And on tf3d, the tab icons are slightly off, no longer centered..

I have very little installed on the touch pro, mostly just a couple games. So what am I doing wrong, and how can I uninstall this without hard resetting my phone? Or am I just going to have to hard reset it?

I would appreciate any help on this.

Also, as a side note.. is there any way to get the Windows directory on the touch pro, to show up on the computer when browsing? It's hidden and I can't figure out a way to view it outside of file explorer and such.

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