Originally Posted by runt
I used the camera on my apache last week while i was in mississippi and it worked great. This week there is a carnival in town and i went to take pics of my fiance's daughter on some of the rides, and there is a random 1-10 second delay. This is the second refurbished apache i've gotten from sprint through TEP. Now looking at it, I can't click the sync softkey in active sync since it isn't there..............
Is it possible that the processor in the phone is not running at its full speed? A couple times it has taken close to 5 minutes to boot from either a soft reset or a cold boot, and this is a huge problem for me.
I am running Colonel's final 3.5 ROM. I'm sure if I goto my local sprint store i will be offered another refurb apache or a 700wx. Can I request a new apache? or should i just take a 700wx?
YOu should definately go with requesting a new Apache over 700wx. I mean for one thing, Wi-Fi capabilities are a must for me and the 6700 has that while the 700wx doesn't. And as you can see on these forums, a lot more work is being done on the Apache while not so much on the 700wx.