Well ready, now i can give back for all the help you guys have done...
This was taken from XDA
* If you are running a foreign Version of Windows or have Regional Settings other than English US configured, please set them to English U.S. temporarily. Otherwise NBHUtil will not function correctly.
* First you'll need OliPro's NBH Util (0.92 works for the Diamond).
* Fire it up, switch to "Extract NBH"
* Select the nbh of the ROM/Radio to be flashed and hit Go
* Extract the components you need. Radio/Splash/OS. If there's an SPL in there, you can safely discard/ignore it. You have HardSPL for that.
* Make note of the Target CID, Version, Language and Chunk Size. FYI the Model ID is the problematic setting here. If it says DIAM10000 and you have a DIAM300 you're screwed.
* Switch to the Build NBH tab and select the Diamond as target
* Note how the Model ID is preset to DIAM*****. The wildcard allows any device
* Change target CID, Version, Lang & Chunk size to the values you wrote down.
* Select each saved component under the NBH items
* Hit Build NBH and save the file as RUU_signed.nbh to a folder of your choice and flash it with the DiamondCustomRUU.exe or ROMUpdateUtility.exe
* Donate to OliPro because he just made your device useful
heres the link to the program...
BUT... in order for us Sprint users to flash for example Verzions radio, before building the final NBH, instead of saving as DIAM****, save it as RAPH800 and then it will allow you to flash any radio.
The directions seem complicated but it actually took me less than 5 minutes to do... Well about an hour to figure out but 5 minutes to build and flash

thank you all for your help