Originally Posted by BigDiesel07
Good luck with your move to the Blackberry Storm... I have read so-so reviews of the device, but to each his own... All phones will have faults... I do remember you posting a thread similar to this... It was in the Touch Pro forum, no?
1. No sorry BigDiesel07 wasnt me had to be another unsatisfied waiting forever WM user...
2. Sorry but no (PDAPhoneJunkie) i will let the wife have my 6800 so i dont haver to buy her a new phone right now, she only texts and make calls so it will be fine for her.
3. As a long time member and still an owner of a wm device i have the right just as much as anyone (kdj67f ) to post my thoughts and opinions here. (unless of course you are the owner of this site? thought not)
4. I know it has no wifi but i have excellent service in my area and never turn my 6800 wifi on ever so that was no big deal to me.
I have never stated the storm will be the king sh*t just saying for verizon it seems to be the best to offer me for my needs and wants.
They are *supposed to* release the touch pro (slower weaker than sprint version) as well as the samsung omnia but i do not care for the ook of either one of them and after all when it comes down to it you still have to like what you own.