Re: Best Buy wont let me upgrade on sero account!!!
Here are some suggestions from another forum. I have not had to do this myself, so YMMV:
1. Find a BB that has the phone in stock
2. After the BB employee tries and fails to use the Snap (BB) system, get on the phone and call sprint and ask for retentions! Do not let them transfer you anywhere but to retentions! Retentions has the ability to access Sero accounts and add new phone with other companies ID numbers. Do NOT tell CS this or they will not transfer you to retensions. Tell them you have had enough and that you want to talk to retensions.
3. Once you have retentions on the phone, explain to them that you are at a local BB and that they can not access your SERO account from their system.
4. Tell retentions that you woud like them to active the phone using the Best Buy store activation ID. This will allow Best Buy to get credit for the activation even though Sprint is activating the phone.
5. From this point the BB employee will need to have you fill out a manual contract and you should be good to go..