Originally Posted by eptd
Whinecellar, thank you! This is EXACTLY what I was looking for! (Clicked thanks for you!)
Glad I could help
I did pick up an iPhone 3G this morning, and as much as I've played with others before, I'm utterly blown away so far. I set up every detail & custom setting in about 5 minutes. One word: intuitive.
One of my biggest fears was/is the dropped call issue - after all, if it sucks as a phone, it sucks PERIOD. Time will tell, but so far so good. I will say this though - the call quality is CLEAN - in 10 years with Sprint I never heard call quality like that...
I'll check back in after a few days have gone by. I lived with the Touch Pro for a month, so it's only fair I post a review of the "other side" after I've given it a shot.
Thanks for listening!