Originally Posted by mnassoiy
There are a couple of things that I am looking to do, and I have not found a solution yet...
- Hotmail settings. These are not an EMAIL2 characteristic.
- Regristration codes. Specifically for Resco now, but others later.
- Setting up Manila with the people/favorites view? http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/showthread.php?t=45414 has some of the answers, but I don't like the pim.vol backup method.
If there is any information on these, I would be on my way to have a full setup after a HR.
Which hotmail settings are you referring to?
There are more "email" settings in the following:
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Inbox\Setting s]
I don't currently have Resco but it should be somewhere similar to:
HKLM\Software\Sling Media\SlingPlayer\Player\
I am looking into the People Favorites as I too don't like pim.vol.
Sorry I couldn't give more in depth answers, but if you give me more info I can give you a better idea of what the code will look like