which one is the hard reset? I have tried both softkeys(above the windows key and ok)+reset(located belowthe sd card slot, beside the usb port?) which asks me
Do you want to erase all user data and restore to manufacture default?
hitting either key takes me back to the tri-color screen as before
the other reset I have seen posted is power+camera+reset, which takes me only to the tri-color screen.
activeSync wont see the device, and running Hard-SPL-MFG.exe just gives me a dialogue box
No Device Connected
Would you like to try coppying again?
I tried copying the Hard_MFG_SPL_2.40_RUU_signed.nbh file and renaming it to TITAIMG.nbh to flash via SD card, but that just sat there with a "Loading..." screen for almost half an hour.
what do I try next?
EDIT!!!!::: After numerous attempts, and reset attempts, I stumbled across the proper reset sequnece, or something... so I got my phone back. I am trying it again, and am now stuck at step 4 again. when I run the Hard-spl-mfg.exe, the Rom update utility (<I just figured out what RUU meant... JEZE! I am slow sometimes), right before it gets to work, it says I should have an ActiveSync connection going. do I ignore it, and continue? or do I need to do something different. the phone at the moment has the proper SPL (2.40.Olipro) this time!!!