Originally Posted by sikclown
I currently have an iPhone with my other business account as well as a Touch Pro. The iPhone is absolutley ,in my opinion, the best Touch screen device on the market. Having said that it has it's shortcomings and I prefer my TP for day to day tasks and use. Comparing the two is truely comparing Apples to Oranges as the both a very good at certain things and they both have downfalls. What are the everyday things that you want to do with any phone/device you purchase and what can you live without?
Besides using the phone of course, I do a lot of email, and I use the internet a lot. I watch a lot of video but it's not necessary. Just like to grab a nice couch at the mall when the wife's shopping. lol.
I thought I would need a hard keyboard but the iphone keyboard works pretty well. A lot better than the touch pro on screen keyboard.