Originally Posted by rileyd5
Hello OMJ, I don't want to be a burden.... sorry couldnt help myself (little OMJ Spongebob talk!) I wanted to ask your experience with the verizon radio. I noticed you were using it but I was concerned about the comments about the random freezing and buzzing. I would like to try it to see if I can get better data/reception in my house. Also I was going to download the large start menu and title bar cabs on this rom. Not sure if they would work though like the stock rom? Let me know at your convenience. thanks again.
I havent had any issues w/ the VZW radio. give it a try, you can always go back....
large start menu & title bar are in this rom already, I just have them disabled by default.
Originally Posted by kellybrf
looks good. does this have the original keyboard, or the slim one? (please say original :fingerscrossed)
umm, I havent changed anything w/ the keyboard, so yes it's the stock original.