Originally Posted by ScrapMaker
It would be nice if it was just a more standardized test. Like it asks you to dial your voicemail or something, and then it does stuff like keep the screen on, or something. Just to keep everyone's test more comparable.
Just food for thought--is all
You make a good point especially with regard to the screen. Version 0.2.0 should be finished in the next day or so (if debugging goes well), which has the following enhancements/options:
-Option to set minimum power state to allow the unit to drop to (i.e. Maintain full power state (i.e screen does not go off), Unattended (full power no screen), Standby (power saving mode) and sleep)
-Log Actual Data connection State (Active, Idle, cached etc)
-Average Current draw while on a Data Call & mAH consumed
-Average Current draw while on a phone call & mAH consumed
-Average current draw while NOT on a phone call & mAH Consumed
- Current Signal level (currently %, and dB (if I get it to work)
If anyone can think of anything else that would be helpful for diagnostic purposes, PM me with the suggestions....