Originally Posted by starfury1
wow... im utterly and totally flabbergasted at this point, i called telesales(the 800sprint1 number)after waiting on hold with them for 10 minutes finally got a person explained i was checking the status of an order, they transfered me to something, i listened to motzart at least 10 times, i even took a a call for 10 minutes figured surely i would have missed them finally getting to me but nope there was amadeus just goin strong...
finally got tired of holding, both the phone and my bladder, so i hung up and tried again, this time i got a person relatively quickly, then she went to work, at first it looked like i had two orders and that confused her but appearantly that was wrong, and my order is set to be delivered tomorrow. i asked if that meant that it was going to be shipped tomorrow or would be in my patiently waiting hands, she said i would have it in 24 hours.
I guess i'll have to wait and see... if its not here i better get a refund on the overnight delivery... and id like the 2.5 hours (total) i have been on hold (for the entire day not just last call, but half of it was... back... lol
Hope you guys are having better luck than me...
Well at least you have a set time frame of when your order is gonna' be shipped. And I don't understand how some of you guys are still able to contact Sprint. Every dept I try to access, it says "our office is currently closed" What The!! I thought they should be and were open 24hrs a day.
Anyways, I guess I am gonna' go to sleep now....hopefully the damn status would've changed by then.