I have been meaning to do this for quite a while, but have put it off. I think this is a very nice gesture to express gratitude for the time and effort that others put in to this hobby/obsession.
Please do not think that I am begging for money for me. I do this because it interests me. However there are many app developers out there that dont get the exposure for the time they put in. As many of you know, I usually use free apps in my roms. Most of these apps are created by PPC users who put in a lot of time to create very helpful apps for us users. Unfortunately the apps get used, but donations are minimal. Also, I pull several apps from all over the internet like from over at xda. A lot of users never even know where the apps come from, much less how to support the app developer.
Second, I also think it is important to have a fund to be able to pay for necessities like shipping Helmi a phone and other such expenses that will only improve the quality of the community and the information here. With the introduction of the Mogul, this is even more important.
Finally, I am not to ashamed to accept a donation here and there especially since several people have inquired about it.
So, if you think you have been helped by the community here and you would like to spread some money around to say thank you, please feel free to donate a few bucks.