Re: Verizon - Official WM 6.1 Update
Originally Posted by spetrillo
Originally Posted by trance2002
I’ve been lurking on these boards for several months and the information is great. I have done a lot of tweaks like cube mods, wisebar themes, regedits but had not quite worked up the nerve for a ROM flash. Now that this VZW one is available I think I’m ready to give it ago. Most of the howto threads are centered on unlocking, upgrading sprint radios and custom roms all of which I have read in detail. Since most of that doesn’t apply here I’d just like a sanity check before I proceed. I am running the stock VZW ROM and my plan is as follows.- Back up all contacts, data, install cabs, etc
- Install Vogue_Unlocker 2.31
- run “RUU_Vogue_VZW_WWE_3.14.605.1_Radio_3.37.77_S hip.e xe” from my PC and let all customizations run (if you let cust run be aware it locks down the GPS)
- Soft reset or hard? Not sure here… (Will reboot on its own)
- Be prepared to reauth the phone using *228 option 1, reset, *228 option 2
- install “Valhalla Legends”
- Do QPST agps fixes if necessary (Not needed if you use Valhalla)
- Then back to setting up my phone how I like it.
Did I skip anything?
if this is a verizon phone you don't need the unlocker. my phone upgraded fine and gps is working after install of the vahalla cab (even with the customizations running).
Last edited by tom108; 11-19-2008 at 05:05 PM.