Okay so I did the search and found numerous threads about having the mogul replaced with a Touch Pro by using TEP.
so basically my phone is fried due to water damage and now im looking for a replacement by TEP.
currently the phone will turn on with the screen empty, but after a few days, the screen comes on and is usable just the buttons are not responsive. plus there are a few bugs. soft reset ends up taking the screen out again but the phone will boot up.
should i basically just walk into a store and have them look at the phone?
should i just go to the store and say i lost my phone?
id rather have a touch pro replace my mogul than a refurbed mogul or new mogul.
thanks guys!
edit edit
also how does it work though? i mean if i simply walk into the store, theyll just give me what they have on hand? cos from other post it seems like depending on what type of damage has happened to the phone, it looks like Aurision will send a refurbed mogul?