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Old 11-19-2008, 03:23 PM
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Re: A little tough Love about battery issues.

I figured since I have 2 TPs I should pipe in a little.

One of my TPs BLOWS... I can't get it to charge, it dies while plugged in... And it is freaking hotter that crap all the time. It rarely if ever says the battery is at 100% and even after sitting on the charger all night the battery reports 95%. I have had this one for almost 2 weeks and will be complaining about it torday.

My second TP was bought a week later (it was one of the back ordered phones)... And nothing. It works just fine. Funny thing is, the build date was 2 days older on that phone. I have since flashed the same OS on both (basically downgraded one to match the good one) and still the same problems.

I have also started running an app to monitor power and battery temprature. When the phone stops charging the battery temprature is usually pretty resonable (about 88F), and other days it will get well over 90F and still charge fine. Its the Radio the gets FREAKIN HOT... My fist TP will not run an entire night not on a charger, it is very unrelieable during the day, and its plugged into a PC 90% of the time (and only charging 25% of that time) I can't even make long calls.

IMO there is a major QC issue with these handsets... Having one that never gets unreasnably warm and one that will make you very uncomfortable to hold, let alone stick to the side of you head. I can contest there is a problem with these phones and I don't think it is battery related. I think it is radio related.

I will be getting back with Sprint today since this TP was to replace my under par Mogul... And at this point, my old 6700 was more reliable than both.

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