Originally Posted by ScrapMaker
Sounds like you have a magical Touch Pro. Most of us can't get the phone to charge at all, with use like that, (or much, much less.) So congratulations on your find. Hopefully all the rest of us can get our hands on one like that.
Most of us? Mine works fine as well!
Originally Posted by ScrapMaker
I wish someone would write a test program that takes a TP, with battery at 100%, and then runs calculations, and measures battery % vs time vs heat vs voltage. Then we could compare apples to apples--rather than one objective review after another.
abcPowerMeter is a good start. I used it to measure current draw and tweak my phone config for optimum performance based on the apps/update frequency/etc.
Originally Posted by ScrapMaker
I have a feeling many of us would gladly sacrifice a bit of performance to get the phone to stay cooler, and actually charge.
This has happened to me several times on my Pro. Some of us just appear to be really lucky...
You need to remember that in threads like these, you will generally not hear from the people who are not having the problems. So if you don't take that in to consideration, you may come to the conclusion that the majority of users are having a problem whereas they are not.
I bought my phone from Best Buy the Friday before they came out. It was a first batch phone, and while my battery life could be better, I am very satisfied. I can, and often do, drive with the iGo8/gps running and my battery level does not drop.
On one occassion, after going to my vacation property in the country and having the phone on all weekend with little to no signal half of the time, I found that the phone heated up quickly and the battery drained unusually quickly. After the soft-reset, all is good again.
With that said, I would like to remind you that we all already know that the phone is very sensitive to cell towers/coverage in terms of battery drain...