Originally Posted by marcjen
After the phone sets up and it lets you actually use it.
I go to Start, Settings, System ,Clear Storage.
Enter 1234 and say Yes.
Easiest way imo.
Yes, the easiest way, but IMO I don't know if it's actually doing a true hard reset. I'm probably wrong, both ways are probably doing the same thing. I just feel more at peace doing the reset with the hardware buttons. To do this way, follow steps:
1. Power off phone
2. Hold down enter button (center round button)
3. While holding down enter button, press and hold down vol button
4. Whild holding down enter button and down vol button, press and hold power button
5. Wait a few seconds, screen should come up grey saying to press vol down button again to do a restore. Release buttons and press vol down button
6. Screen comes back saying restore is done and press vol up button to complete