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Old 11-19-2008, 11:35 AM
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Talking I Love This Phone

I recently purchased this phone and for the past week I have been in love... I have the same issues that everyone else has

- Battery last less than a day with normal-heavy usage ( bought multiple chargers.. waiting for seido battery)
- Case creaks when pressure is applied (fixed with tape fix)

So far this is the only issues I have had with the device, I do have the occasional slow down and sluggish performance.. But compaired to other windows mobile phones i've had this one is a dream.. I've gone through so many pda phones and had so many problems that so far the pro's outweigh the cons.

Sprint Visor Prism Phone
- Very heavy
- had to reset at least twice a day
- 36.6 data connection!!
- random lockups and resets
- dropped calls

Treo 300
- Cracked flip
- random lockups and resets
- slooowwwwwww
- non user replaceable battery
- no memory...

Treo 650
- data connection issues... many
- still random resets and lockups
- palm os... getting old...
- sd card issues..

Hitachi G1000
- very very heavy..
- data loss when battery removed
- slow slow slow!
- battery life... literally a 30 minute phone call...
- black/white screen of death...
- Died within first week...

HTC Apache 6700
- Slower than my G1000
- Random memory card issues
- battery life.. Camera sucked

HTC Mogul
- White spots
- button issues on keyboard
- random resets..
- memory leak issue (reason i got rid of it)
- OK battery life...
- 10 seconds after i open the keyboard the phone would think about going to landscape mode..
- typing had to catch up with me.. big annoyance

Blackberry 8703..
- amazing battery life
- no camera
- no touchscreen..
- poor internet browser

I've probally had at least 4-5 other phones as well... none compare!

All of the issues I have had in the past almost make this phone seem perfect to me... yeah the battery life sucks but that's what I expected when I purchased the phone.. I know I'll be purchasing the biggest battery that becomes available the minute it comes out.. The memory issues are gone compared to the mogul for me.. The camera is amazing for a phone and the speed issues are manageable. I have gone from windows mobile and back to windows mobile many times... i just keep coming back to it because of your support.. The support is amazing here and compared to every other OS I have used I love how much these phones can be customized.. Its awesome that the 6700 still has custom roms being made.. that phone isn't even made any more.
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