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Old 11-19-2008, 09:23 AM
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Re: ppc 6700 internet????

I did everything that you said to do and I get error 37 erroniously set up ip and error 9 then it tells me that username and pw are wrong but I put them in as instructed. I paid some guy $40 to flash my phone and he said that I have to come back in a few days so that he can finish the internet so I waited the 48 hours after getting my number ported from verizon and went back. he told me that he had to have it overnight because he had to take it home to finish with the internet and MMS I left it there and came back the next day and he told me that I will have to come back in a week because not enough time has elapsed since my porting. I dont beleive that Wichita KS has evdo yet even though I found some information online saying that it does so I just have the 1x BS but I still want the internet that Im paying for...
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