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Old 11-19-2008, 06:12 AM
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Re: internet not working

Originally Posted by jasperppc View Post

None of these sloved my problem, so I just went back to the store and exchanged for another one. Don't buy the Sprint Tech's story about "network outage" or backlog. It's simply BS. I took my Touch Pro, exchanged it for another one, and the new one was activated in a few minutes and the Internet worked instantly.

4 hours wasted, and now I'm on my third TP. Sprint needs to figure out what is going on, both for their sake and the sake of their customers. When I was exchanging my TP, the reps were talking about how another person was in there earlier today exchanging for the exact same reason.

ok first off, the "story" you refer to is comlpetly true. Sprint was having 'hit and miss' problems with OMA, which is the one time activation of new phones or OMA phones (ie: Rumor, TP, TD, Rant, and some aircards). There was a backlog of OMA since wed of last week. Especially after an ESN swap is when most errors occured.

And yes there is an issue with the TP having an Active Profile of 0 instead of a 1.. What that is, is when the phones are first powered on, the phone go through a OTA,, if that fails the phones revert back to default, which is an Active Profile 0,, easy fix..

##3282# change Active Profile to 1,
update profile > Start, Settings, System Tab, Update Profile.

I deal with this on a constant daily basic, which gets Issue Resolved in 5 minutes.

Also Sprint Tech/Reps are not instruced to lie to you.. If there is a know issue or isnt covered up with a story.
Andrew Grimm
Advanced Technical Support For A Major Wireless Carrier.

Teathered TP with computer

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