Originally Posted by dette
Ok whats is the problem? If you are using 2.31 then your already unlocked.. Are you trying to RELOCK? or what? I am little confused
Sorry, I was pretty unclear. I have a brand new Touch which I got yesterday, and it had an older OEM ROM with an older radio version on it. I downloaded the OEM 3.03.651.4 ROM and flashed the phone to that.
Wanting to unlock it and flash it with an aftermarket ROM, I tried using Coke's 2.31 unlocker from the first post, but I keep getting lost at the part where it runs the thing that looks like an RUU. It finishes that part, and says something about disabling USB connections in ActiveSync (which I do), but in the mean time the phone reboots and the command prompt errors out when I press enter like it says to do...