Originally Posted by nuelo
Is there a way then to use the .nbh image file and flash the SPL the old fashion way with a ROM Update Utility through Windows?
Originally Posted by viwizard
I downloaded Scott's manilla 2d-rom and was able to do a flash with no errors using usb method in Vista 64, ran the update utilty from the RUU folder, after this I've since loaded No2chem nue rom 3 into said folder , successfully flashed with no errors, maybe that might help your situation.
Yes, that should work just fine. You just need to put the NBH file in any standard Rom Update Utility folder. Make sure there is no NBH file in there first and you will be fine. I don't believe you will need to rename the file as long as it is the only one there.
EDIT: I have attached an empty RUU folder. Its the one that is distributed with my kitchen.