Originally Posted by kyppcgeek
Supposedly the Verizon Touch Pro is out on the 24th.
This is what i found at wmexperts
not cool at all, damn verizon on crippling thier phones, just dont understand why they would want ot be the biggest and just piss on thier customers like this
Verizon Touch Pro: Different (and Slower?) Than Sprint's Version
By Dieter Bohn
November 13, 2008 12:54 PM
File under Articles
Apologies for the two-post-in-a-row on the Verizon Touch Pro, but BGR's recent leak and some reports, conversations, and investigations here at WMExperts lead us to a disappointing conclusion: It's looking more and more likely that the Verizon Touch Pro could to be slower and less powerful than the Sprint Touch Pro.
We're going to go a little slowly here because we haven't seen the Verizon Touch Pro in person so we can't be definitive. What we'll do is build the case that the Verizon Touch Pro isn't identical to the Sprint version, which isn't the standard modus operandi for these sorts of things, then we'll get into the performance issues.
In other words, there's a lot to dig through here. Join us after the break.
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