Originally Posted by SprintTouch08
Juicy im noticing a higher battery drain on 3.5 than 3.3/3.4/recent versions. I'm in the same spot for the same amount of time 5 days a week, with the same exact programs setup with UC, so everything is exact. Usually i get home about 4pm with 75-80% left with 3.3/3.4 with push active (not doing much else other than viewing the inbox every few hours), and today was the first full day with 3.5 and i was down below 65% today AND i changed my push account to every hour so it should have been better on battery. Im at 45% now and it hasnt even been 12 hours where 3.3/3.4 id still be at 60-70 still
Hmm... interesting. Anyone else getting these results?