Originally Posted by mnassoiy
I've tried to come up with a solution for this, but I cannot get it done. I am trying to have my people tab and weather tab auto-setup after a ROM flash.
There are two parts in restoring your cities...
The custom cities are stored in two manila files... here's the section from my SDConfig.txt which copies my custom manila files from Internal Storage over to the /Windows directory...
CPY1:\Internal Storage\SD_Files\Windows\_2330fc3c_manila
CPY1:\Internal Storage\SD_Files\Windows\2330fc3c_manila
The second part is the XML which you have above.
As far as restoring your Contacts... one way is to backup your pim.vol file from the root directory and then restore it after flashing. I have not found any other way of restoring the favorites on the People TF3D tab other than the pim.vol file.