I've tried to come up with a solution for this, but I cannot get it done. I am trying to have my people tab and weather tab auto-setup after a ROM flash.
I've found the registry items related to weather here (and have these placed in my provisioning xml):
<!-- MANILA setup -->
<characteristic type="HKCU\Software\HTC\Manila" translation="filesystem">
<!-- Autolaunch TF3D-->
<parm name="AutoLaunchToday" datatype="integer" value="1"/>
<!-- Background-->
<parm name="CachedBackgroundPath" datatype="string" value="\Internal Storage\My Documents\My Pictures\doc_turn.jpg"/>
<parm name="HomeBackgroundPath" datatype="string" value="\Internal Storage\My Documents\My Pictures\doc_turn.jpg"/>
<!-- Weather settings-->
<parm name="Weather.Fahrenheit" datatype="integer" value="1"/>
<parm name="Weather_Focus" datatype="string" value="United States"/>
<parm name="Weather.CityList" datatype="string" value="nam|us|mi|milford,nam|us|mi|alpena,nam|us|ny|ransomville,nam|us|mi|brimley"/>
<parm name="LastLaunch" datatype="binary" value="80,5B,6D,B4,55,46,C9,01"/>
<parm name="Weather.CurrentCity" datatype="integer" value="1"/>
The weather focus and farenheit parameters work fine, but the city list does not. These are special added cities in which I have weather database editor and command line weather installer setting up automatically. After the hard-reset, the cities installed are Taipei, Barcelona, etc. I can't figure out what I am doing incorrectly unless there is a specific manilla file that I need to have copied previously and replace it in the windows folder. I can remove cities and add these cities I want in manually...But that's no fun.
I haven't even tried the people tab yet. Also if anyone knows how to get the background to autoset, please let me know. My revision above doesn't get it there.
Thanks in advance