Originally Posted by kraygh
You're right, about the time-period "nowadays".
My original post should say "old" instead of "veteran". When I first owned a PDA, all I needed was Excel in my pocket (still do) for mobile spreadsheet computations when doing testing at my job. It seems since the iPhone craze has struck, mobile web is the only thing people use a PPC for anymore.
HOWEVER... VZW is spitting on us old folk for years or faithfull service by forcing a plan we don't need. (I should also mention I have wifi at work and at home, just in case I HAVE to get online.)
Speaking of online convenience, has anyone seen that iPhone commercial with the software that picks where to eat for you by shaking the device to randomly roll through the choices. Our phones thinking for us. Awesome.
I agree with you (to a degree) but think about how often these phones connect to the internet to update the clock/weather/other random things. I think being upfront about mandating a data plan is really the best way to go in this situation since many small pieces just use data without asking anymore and the price per kb can kill you REALLY fast.