Originally Posted by garov55
ISSUES- 1.0 + 1.1 for SPRINT
love the rom(1.o and 1.1) but its still freezes a lot ( when i browse files with FExploler)
other than the alarm issue my phone will not vibrate with both roms -1.0 and the 1.1
yahoo go
spb mobile shell
thank you for the great roms........
ya the file explorer is trying to cache all the icons. if you just give it time, when its done cahe'ing the files it will fire back up so dont click around.
Your best bet is to go into OPTIONS - GENERAL - 3rd TAB BROWSER and check off to HIDE FILES IN ROM and HIDE HIDDEN FILES and HIDE FILES WITH THESE EXTENSIONS (the top 3 should be checked)
now hit OK and your file exploring should FLY. You really have no reason to look at files in the ROM anyways since you cant move/delete/modify/copy them anyways.
i suppose I can set that up as a default option for the next round but for now your gonna have to do it manually.
- to the jack@ss that cant read, sorry bud, your phone will NEVER vibrate again, stuff like that happens to stupid people. Even if you flash back the stock rom, i permanently disabled your vibrate motor by sending a low level hardware command that formats it so it doesnt drain the battery by going off. I know i
should have put something in the
F.A.Q. about it but im to lazy and typing stuff to help people resolve problems like this takes to much out of me after a long day of doing nothing but pondering how to screw with people that flash my ROM. I especially like skipping the first page, and the next 6 pages and wasting peoples time by asking questions that have been asked already a few hundred times but hey, thats just me. I ALWAYS skip the FAQ when i do something to my telephone, I never read instructions, hell i threw out the manual on my new power ban-saw and to this day still have no idea how i lost my left pinky finger while i was changing the blades with it still on. I dunno, guess were gonna have to go through life simply not knowing even the simplest of things. We can go togethor, they say ignorance is bliss.... in this case..... ignorance makes your phone not vibrate anymore....