Originally Posted by Hawaiian80
SJ808 Thanks for the information.
I've tried that too...no luck. That program allowed me to make changes to the type of information that got sent to the phone from my calling list. I think I am looking to find something to control the bluetooth settings instead.
I've also changed com ports...no luck. The list of things I have tried are nearly endless. BTW...tech support sucks! HTC, Sprint, Windows, All useless. But that's a whole different topic, wont' go there...LOL...
Apparently there's something I haven't tried because its still not working...
It's got to be simple because I think I've exhausted all the harder stuff. My brain is fried...but that's easy to do.
Thanks again!!!
You can send the phonebook inside the program JETware. Did you try that?
Thats what us Avic D3 owners had to do.
Go to the Phonebook settings when you open the program. In that settings page click on menu on the left softkey. Then select "Send contacts".... if thats what you're looking for. Also, make sure you deck is armed to receive the phonebook.
Its the same issue with the D3...because no windows mobile phone will work with it unless you're using Jetware.
I'm pretty sure you googled the problem... but try find a forum for your car deck or car audio. Make a post and see if anyone else is having a problem. I was lucky enough to find a Avic forum and thats how I found the solution.