Originally Posted by saumaun
If you notice, my wording is very encouraging. I acknowledge how great the device is. I'm just asking that they make a certain accessory AVAILABLE to us. I want them to realize that we are interested in the cover if they were doubting whether or not to make it.
I think it's a good petition. If people don't like it they should just ignore it. I have a feeling a lot of people will sign it though. Just as there are all black themes on this site, people want a nice black back panel as well. Most electronics come in black, silver or white... so it's not unreasonable to request an accessory like this.
For the love of god, give saumaun some room. We'll know soon enough just how many think it's a good idea to have this accessory available.
How would you like it if there was only one type of case or screen protector available? Would you guys be telling others to just be happy?
I prefer the sprint back, but I'm all about options.
Originally Posted by dallas3022
Does any one know where you can buy the diamond style battery door or if they even made it available to buy separate
did you even read the original post and petition?? lol