Originally Posted by cbunting
With everyone looking into spec shsets, and chipsets, etc, may I ask. WHY ARE WE DOING HTC'S WORK FOR THEM? They are the manufacturer here, we are the customer. We shouldn't have to fix their faulty product. And by saying faulty, yes I mean faulty. I'm not one of those people that is married to HTC and ignores problems that exist just because they have an obsession with them. HTC needs to fix these problems, and they need to fix them now. No excuses, they better have a programmer on this right now, or sprint should STOP selling their crappy devices..... they clearly have no QC
Sorry, but this type of attitude is counter-productive. For all your hostility and demands, nothing is accomplished.
Why is it so hard to just say, "Wow. Buying this thing was a bad idea, but it's still within my 30 days, so I'm going to trade it for something else that satisfies my needs and expectations." There's no other choice, you may argue, but there is. There's always other products and other carriers. Or else you say, "Because this is still the best device available, and I need to do what I can to maximize my own use with the resources available until better solutions are available."
But making demands is more irritating than anything.