Originally Posted by penorwood
I have not been sucessful at getting GPS working with the supposedly GPS-enabled 3.37.77 ROM.
I upgraded to the unofficial Verizon ROM and was able to use the Valhalla CAB to get GPS (rather quickly I might add). Then I flashed the OMJ ROM and now I can't get GPS.
I've been reading the forums here and elsewhere and all people will tell me is they either don't know how to fix the issue or that I did things wrong.
If 3.37 is GPS enabled do I still have to go to 3.42?
Did I mess things up here?
I have a GPS puck which I can use but would rather have it all built-in.
It is my understanding that Valhalla only works with MR1 and not with custom ROMs. Have you gone back to XDA and checked the thread?