Originally Posted by night_of_dreams
Are there any improvements to use the Valhalla cab gps fix over the agps fix for the xv6800 as posted here: http://wiki.xda-developers.com/index...VerizonAGPSFix
The reason I ask is because I already applied the xv6800 agps fix, and it seems to be working 95% of the time with quick fix with Google map. The other 5% it just won't get a lock and I either have to wait it over or restart to phone to get a lock.
Is the valhalla fix any better, or more importantly, is it ok to apply the valhalla fix over the xv6800 agps fix, as the latter is kind of here to stay as it survives a hard reset.
Thanks for any insights.
Skywing's fix is only for MR1. So if you have not installed MR1 and let customizations run there is no need for it. my numbers with the aGPS fix from GC was about 98%. Not perfect but a hell of alot better than the suffering without it.