Originally Posted by EtherealRemnant
Originally Posted by rycelover
Originally Posted by EtherealRemnant
Damn it... I'm going to have to go to another ROM...
Neither the regular alarm on the phone or the AlarmClock app went off today and I can't afford to be late to work... I'll get written up if I'm late one more time until September.
Sucks. I really like this ROM otherwise... but I can't afford to have my alarm crappin out on me...
not to be rude, but seriously, rather than getting a new phone, wouldn't it be cheaper and more efficient to just get a simple alarm clock for less than $10?
I was talking about getting a new ROM... specifically, going back to Kirvin's Sprint AKU 3.5 clean and simple ROM.
Though... the 6800 is coming out next week supposed so maybe I'll just get that instead... 
LOL, my bad! I misread your post and thought you were going to chuck your 6700 because the alarms aren't coming through. Doh!