Disable Sprint Carrier Logo/Contact Lookup
There are two versions of this tweak:
One gets rid of the Contact Look up box on the Today screen:
Version 1
Menu --> Preferences --> Hide Lookup Field
This can be toggled anytime. Leaves the Sprint logo with BT icon on the screen though!
Version 2
Brute force. Gets rid of Contact Look up AND the Sprint Logo.
Side effect: At least on my device, the Green Phone Button does not bring up the Submenu anymore.
You loose your speedial shortcuts too.
I ended up remapping the Green key to the "PhoneDialer.exe" under \windows to get the main part back. I used AE Button Plus to do this.
HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Today\Items\"Dial Lookup"
Enabled = 0 (for off; 1 is for on)