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Old 06-15-2007, 04:21 PM
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For owner information what you need to do is fill it out on your device, and then use a registry editor like Resco or Task Manager (which is free) to export this key:


In particular you need the "Owner" value...which appears in the form of a hex block. You will also see your owner information in clear text in other fields but exporting those only will not work. The hex block is the only thing that works.

If you've filled out anything in the notes field then you'll also need to grab the value called "Owner Notes".

Export both of those reg values, slap into an rgu file in your own "Customize" OEM package, and you'll never have to type that crap ever again.

And yes it's possible to set up e-mail accounts using xml (it is not possible to do via the registry directly--something I had to learn the hard way). That is how the mail2web cab does it--there's just an xml file inside that gets parsed.

To use xml in an OEM package you have to convert into something called provxml (short for provisioning xml). These files were designed to be used by carriers to set up devices for end users, but we can use them too.

There is a lot of cool stuff that can be done with provxml. The tradeoff is that the Configuration Manager (which is what parses the files) is extremely picky about syntax, and any error in the file will cause the whole thing to be thrown out.

I'm planning to do a writeup in the wiki about how to use and troubleshoot provxml... just haven't gotten around to it yet. In the meantime there's lots of info out on the web if you google provxml--that's basically how I taught myself.

To start out with, you can extract the xml file from your mail2web cab and rename it like this:


where "abc" is some kind of descriptive word and "123" is the version number of the file. You can pick anything you want, but to aid your sanity I suggest incrementing that number anytime you make a change to the file so you can revert back if necessary.

There are some provxml files in the kitchen already, which you can search for (*.provxml) and use as examples. Have fun!
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