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Old 11-16-2008, 01:00 PM
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Re: A little tough Love about battery issues.

Originally Posted by houdini View Post
I mostly agree with the OP. I was actually a little surprised at the battery life on this phone after a few days of use (it got better).

I do still think there are major problems. The heat/not charging is a real problem. The battery discharges quickly when the heat issues start. My first TP got soooo hot after a phone call. The new replacement I got two days ago seems better. None of my other ppc devices have done this.

As baffles said, it should be able to run off the charger.
I personally have not experienced this issue and I use my TP a lot I did run GPS the other day with the device plugged in and saw some battery drain but I was using a car charger i-go not OEM. Some chargers charge at different rates, when you are charging and experience this issue are you using a OEM wall charger?
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