Originally Posted by JJFrigle
Very well put indeed... I just don't understand why HTC went from the 1500mAh battery that came with the Mogul to a 1340mAh in the TP. I was pleasantly surprised with the battery life on the Mogul. I came from the world of Blackberries and the Mogul matched them very well in the battery life field. Oh well, gotta live with it, and I agree that it's acceptable for what the device can do. 
Very good question the answer IMHO its a bench make that HTC has set for themselves if they can hit that 4 hours of use mark they are happy with that. Then its size that matters they know there will be larger batteries out soon so make the device as small as possible and hit that 4 hour mark then let the rest take care of its self the smaller size looks good on paper and will sale more devices.