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Old 11-16-2008, 02:30 AM
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Re: Petition?: We need to get HTC to fix this heat/charging issue!!

I'll test mine further, but so far, I haven't had any overheating problems. Mostly I tether with it, so that is the most I push it. I think because it gets to idle a lot when reading pages, it gets to charge and cool down. Talking while charging is more stressful to the battery and system, so I think it would generate more heat there. But with a 30 minute phone call, I didn't have any problems with charging and talking (using a bluetooth headset as well). Using NuepowerCPL, I saw that the discharge current is more than the charging current when it's transferring data. For some reason the charging current drops when it's in full EVDO usage. But when idling, it goes back into positive power charge gain.

BUT, I used an old Motorola RAZR charger which has an output current of 500mA, which is half of what the stock Touch Pro's charger's current is.

Perhaps because it charges at a slower rate, it generates less heat, just enough that it doesn't trip off thermal protection in the battery. I'll try with the stock charger when I have the chance just to see if it has problems, but so far, I might have gotten lucky (knock on wood) with my Touch Pro, as it never seems to get extremely hot like others have been complaining. It gets about as warm as my old Touch (Vogue) got when tethering and charging, etc. Maybe only a little warmer, but certainly not blazing hot.


Last edited by Edwood; 11-16-2008 at 02:33 AM.
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