Re: Please Help! Outlook Advice Needed
I have a Godaddy email server account and I use Outlook on both my laptop and the Diamond for my email, calendar, and contacts. It is trouble-free if you set it up this way:
1. Laptop POPs email from Godaddy.
2. Laptop Outlook is the contact database master.
3. Diamond Outlook POPs email from same Godaddy account but is set to leave copy of the message on the server. Only last 3 days 500K max.
4. ActiveSync is used to sync contact and calendars with Laptop as master
This way, you never need to use the web account for email or contacts just outlook. The inboxs on both devices will stay in sync. You just need to sync the devices for calendar and contact updates which will be automatic. Just need to make sure you backup the Outlook.pst file in case the laptop crashes.