Originally Posted by Gh05t
I would like to know this too. also how come there are 2 files with the same name except on would have 0409 at the end of it. Do I need to check both of them or either one is fine. any help is appreciated.
Okay..well this is what i did and it started showing up in the build...
Extracted the files in the ppckitchen_oem_VGA.rar into a folder...
In the folder buildos\kitchens\nueROM\no2chem_RaphaelC_Core i created the USER_OEM folder and dropped the oems i wanted into there...(i chose only progs...nothing to mess with the build (reg edits...visual differences etc.)......
After this I went into the nueROM-S_Selections.txt file i entered:
OptionalModuleDir=Kitchens\nueROM\no2chem_RaphaelC _core\USER_OEM
at the bottom of the document.....and saved.
Went into buildOS chose the nueROM selection S file for my project and now the files I want have shown up in the buildOS....now to see if i can build them in without issues...hope this helps ...or at least helps get closer to the perfect answer