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Old 11-15-2008, 12:23 PM
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Re: How to Customize a Custom Rom: Adding/Removing Programs

Originally Posted by spetrillo View Post
I am trying to add my own dialer to a ROM, and when I run BuildOS I get an error saying one of the dialer images is already there, and then it dies. Is there anyway to just let it overwrite what is there, or what do I have to delete in order to let my dialer build correctly?

Ok some more seems that you get the conflict when things exist in \OEM\OEMAPPS. So the real question is can I delete what is in OEMAPPS so that the conflicts dont happen. I am trying to use the leaked VZW ROM for this.

There will be duplicates. The best way to handle these is this.
- I have buildos open on the right half, and explorer open on the left with the OEM directory selected.
- As buildos pops up those "already exists" file errors, I type in the offending name into the search input box in explorer. Then delete the files that are usually in OEMAPPS.

But you don't want to delete the whole OEMAPPS, there is quite a bit of other stuff in there.
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