Juicy vs MSR and Battery Life - Major Differences??
I had been using Juicy rom, but was having issues with my battery going down about 10% an hour. I was using the SDConfig to install things, and have a CAB defined that automatically creates my email accounts. I have 4 IMAP accounts that are polled at 30 minute intervals.
I didn't make any other changes other than setting ringtones, font size, and things like that.
If I install MSR, my battery life is like 2-4 times better, sometimes ending a full day (12hrs) at 60-70%.
I tried two days on Juicy and two days on MSR and the results were consistent. Juicy was going down 10% even when I did nothing else on the phone other than have it check email in the background. No web browsing, no phone calls.
I wasn't doing anything different configuration-wise between the two. Both ROM's use the SDConfig, so the same set of apps were being installed. The comparisons were between Juicy 3.2/3.3 and MSR 2.4. I wouldn't have thought there would have been that big of a change in battery life.
Not sure it matters, but I am on Sprint. I am also using the Verizon radio rom.